Franchise Well

Nonprofit Introduction to Franchising


FWU Virtual Classroom | Instructor: Dr. Ben Litalien

Introductions and Overview – Participant introductions and goals for the program; review of the agenda/schedule/expectations

Nonprofit Introduction to Franchising – An overview of franchising including its history, current trends, challenges and opportunities, and a comparison of the types and alternatives of franchise models. We’ll review the key tenets of the franchise model and the pillars that underpin it. We will review some of the key intersections of nonprofits in the franchise sector.

Guest Speaker – Vince Loose, past CEO of Source America and Unique Source

FWU Online Academy

The Economics of the Franchise Model – What are the elements that attract so many entrepreneurs and companies to the franchise model? We will review the key financial drivers of the model.

To Franchise or Not to Franchise – Case Study
Why do companies choose to franchise versus the various alternatives? You will evaluate a case and develop options to share with the class.

Training: A Key Pillar in Franchising – Franchisors must adequately prepare franchisees for operating the franchise business through robust, multi-facets and extensive training strategies including pre-training modules, intense onsite initial training programs, and a commitment to ongoing training for the network.

Support: A Key Pillar in Franchising – Once franchisees are up and running with the business franchise companies must provide ongoing support to ensure consistency of delivery and success of the franchisees.

Readings/Resources:  As assigned in the Course Online Classroom

FWU Virtual Classroom | Instructor: Dr. Ben Litalien

Welcome – Dr. Ben Litalien, CFE & Rocco Rinaldi

Review of Online Coursework – We’ll go over key learnings from the coursework and address any questions from the class.

Regulatory, Legal & Tax Implications – We will review the regulatory environment under which franchising operates on a federal and state level. We’ll examine the unique aspects of legal and tax considerations nonprofit organizations will face in franchising.
Guest Speaker – Jan Gilbert, Shareholder, Posinelli, P.C.

FWU Online Academy

Understanding the Franchise Disclosure Document – We will go through each of the 23 required items in the disclosure to understand their meaning, and how to use the FDD to evaluate multiple concepts.

An Operational Challenge – Case Study
You’ll review an actual case involving a complex operational challenge, and develop responses to key questions to share with the class.

Operations: A Key Pillar in Franchising
The backbone of a franchise system is the operation strategy and resulting elements including extensive manuals. We’ll examine the differences between a retail or fixed location versus a service-based franchise operationally.

Readings/Resources:  As assigned in the Course Online Classroom.

FWU Virtual Classroom | Instructor: Dr. Ben Litalien

Welcome – Dr. Ben Litalien, CFE & Rocco Rinaldi

Review of Online Coursework – We’ll go over key learnings from the coursework and address any questions from the class.

Understanding Operations in a Franchise Context – Franchisees are independent contractors in their relationship with a franchisor, however, they must comply with the operational standards provided by the franchisor, even as they change over time. We’ll review the challenges this can create and the rationale for compliance.
Guest Speaker – Paul Atkinson, CEO, Eggleston Services & Link Staffing Franchisee

FWU Online Academy

Marketing: A Key Pillar in Franchising – We will go through each of the 23 required items in the disclosure to understand their meaning, and how to use the FDD to evaluate multiple concepts.

Dispute Resolution in Franchising – Case Study
You’ll review an actual case involving a complex operational challenge, and develop responses to key questions to share with the class.

Franchise Relations The backbone of a franchise system is the operation strategy and resulting elements including extensive manuals. We’ll examine the differences between a retail or fixed location versus a service-based franchise operationally.

Readings/Resources:  As assigned in the Course Online Classroom

FWU Virtual Classroom | Instructor: Dr. Ben Litalien

Welcome – Dr. Ben Litalien, CFE & Rocco Rinaldi

Review of Online Coursework – We’ll go over key learnings from the coursework and address any questions from the class.

The Social Franchise – The commercial use of the franchise model continues to develop and expand globally, but so does its use by nonprofit organizations. We’ll review several aspects of this trend to lay a firm foundation for understanding the social franchise phenomenon.

Guest Speaker – Galen Welsch, CEO JIBU, a social franchise in East Africa

Graduation Ceremony – Certificates will be presented to each student


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